A quarter century ago, Heritage Commons emerged on the U’s campus, nearly tripling student housing and launching a trend of community living that continues to grow today. This $120 million-plus project not only gave more students a place to call home—it also served as the Olympic Village for the 2002 Winter Games, housing some 3,500 world-class athletes. The U is set to reprise this role when Utah hosts the Olympics again in 2034.
Nestled in historic Fort Douglas, Heritage Commons comprises six “neighborhoods” with 21 buildings. As Heritage Commons celebrates its silver anniversary, the U has embarked on an even larger housing expansion and is in the process of adding beds for over 5,000 more students, including through new public/private partnerships.
The first glimpse of a rendering of Heritage Commons’ brick-and-mortar masterpieces graced the pages of Continuum in 1998.
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