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Here, There, and Everywhere!

Graduates of the U join a family of nearly 240,000 living alums. With representation in every state in the country, a growing worldwide reach from Botswana to Bolivia and Mongolia to Macau, the U community reaches around the globe. And it’s a diverse bunch—from a 20-year-old recently graduated business alum to a 107-year-old education grad. But all have one thing in common: an unparalleled experience at a remarkable institution tucked into the rolling foothills of the Wasatch Mountains. Learn more about your U family with this quiz and go to magazine.utah.edu/groups to find regional or affinity-based alumni communities and clubs.

1. What percentage of U alums live in Utah?
2. How many countries have U alum residents?
3. Outside of the United States, which country has the most U alums?
4. Which college within the U has the most graduates?
5. Fill in the blanks with the missing states that have the most U grads.



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