e expert

Winning Mindset

Who do NFL players and Olympians call at 2 a.m. when they’re grappling with pressure? Who do coaches turn to when they need coaching? Justin Su’a MS’11, for one. As a performance coach in the world of elite sports, he doesn’t just help athletes and leaders improve their game but also sees their most vulnerable moments.

“They’re willing to be very open and transparent with me,” he says. “They disclose things they don’t share with other people in order to problem-solve and strengthen their weaknesses.” When the whole world is watching you, he notes, the stakes are high. Every advantage matters.

After earning a master’s in sports psychology from the U, Su’a forged a career helping athletics professionals step up their game on the field and in the front office. With a client roster including the Cleveland Browns, Tampa Bay Rays, Boston Red Sox, and more, he guides elite performers in prioritizing their three finite assets: time, energy, and attention. “In high-pressure settings, mismanaging these resources can hinder decision-making and execution,” he notes.

His approach starts with asking introspective questions (“You can’t change what you’re not aware of,” he points out) followed by problem-solving. Sometimes the solution is as simple as sticky notes. For one coach struggling to disconnect from work, Su’a suggested placing questions like “How do I want to walk into my house right now?” on his steering wheel. This small step, the coach said, transformed his home life.

Also a podcast host and author, Su’a enjoys sharing his advice with a wider audience. He offers these tips to professionals in any field.

Three Keys to Professional Excellence

1.  Reflect on your values and needs. Ask yourself, “What do I want right now?” and “What is my why?”

2. Consider how you’re spending your time, energy, and attention. Ask, “What is the best use of my time? What drains my energy? Am I paying attention to the people and things I value most?” 

3. Use the G.W.O.P. model:

a. Set Goals.

b. Know your Why.

c. Identify Obstacles.

d. Make a Plan for overcoming those obstacles.


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