Finding your way at a big university like the U can feel like trying to sail a sea of information, tasks, and deadlines. From uNIDs to UMail, meal plans to move-in dates, FAFSA to FERPA, there’s a lot to keep track of. It’s easy for students to feel adrift (especially when you’re among a student body of more than 35,000) and for parents to feel out of the loop. That’s where U Belong comes in.
U Belong is a new platform that guides undergraduates through their college experience and helps parents/supporters stay in the know. In one central location—the website—students and parents can find a map of sorts, with checklists, FAQs, student services, resources, and important dates. Students can also find info on U Belong’s Friday Night Hype events, created to foster a sense of community and belonging.
“We’re a big, complex place, so we’re just trying to make it a little easier for students to navigate the University of Utah,” explains Andrea Thomas BS’88, chief experience officer at the U.
The website consolidates crucial information into one accessible space. The website also serves as a central point of contact, with a dedicated email address ( and phone number (801-213-1800). Parents and students can also request virtual appointments for help with registration, student services, and much more.
“We try to bridge those gaps between all the different pieces that parents and students have to navigate,” explains Michelle Thompson BS’98, manager of the Office of Student Experience.
U Belong’s monthly newsletter, aptly dubbed The Loop, keeps students and parents up to date with need-to-know info about campus services and resources, deadlines that are approaching (like tuition due dates and class registration deadlines), upcoming social events, and topics like housing or financial aid.
To learn more about U Belong and sign up for The Loop, visit
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